Course Objective for Corporate Training

Develop English Culture in Your Organisation! We deliver customized training for your employees – you may want them to Speak Fluent English.

Good communication skill has become the most important factor for growth in the corporate world. An increasing number of companies in today’s business world is making it mandatory for employees to undergo

communication skills training, as it is directly proportional to productivity. An effective communication skills training programme helps to improve employee relations and encourages a cordial working environment.

The workplace Communication Skills training module is empowered to teach the essential communication skills that will bring success in both the workplace and at home. The primary aim of this corporate training course  is to enable your employees with an understanding of the impact that their communication skills can have on your clients. The contents of this communication skills training program would help your employees to explore the different ways in which they can succeed to put across their point clearly and effectively.

Our communication skills training program for corporate consist of Questionnaires and Surveys with comprehensive Interpretive Notes, Process Guides and Checklists and Articles.  The key concept behind our Communication Skills program is to be understood; whether the communication is face to face, over the telephone, or by video conference the challenge is always to be clear on the response you want from others and to influence in such a way to obtain that response.

Our Communication Skills Training program is well structured and can be further customized with this objective in mind providing valuable insights, knowledge, skills and processes to enable poor or average communicators to become excellent communicators and make a change in their personality.

Course Outcome / Beneficial

Ability to communicate effectively with co-workers, clients and customers, friends and family members,

Improvement of time management, organizational skills & goal setting,

Development of leadership skills to improve teamwork, creativity, efficiency & Productivity,

Development of presentation skills to enhance sales, project explanations, self-Confidence,

Brain storming & problem solving strategies to increase creativity and collaborative

Why companies need a smart training culture

Support succession planning

Support succession planning

Enhance operational efficiency

Exceed industry standards

Course summary

Content and Course Duration can be customized based on the client’s requirements

The course can be delivered at client’s premises.

For employees to be efficient, productive and adaptable, new skills are required, such as:

Critical thinking and problem solving



Creativity and innovation