Wake up, wash up, go to work, make it work, return, sleep, eat and repeat. The schedules’ of the working class are disturbingly similar. Only the more enthused workers seek to take up activities post their working hours as there is a general lack of time and effort. It puts a person in an inertia, how do I improve my skills now? How do I increase my employ-ability? How do I strive to get the job I have been dreaming of?

One skill that increases ones’ employability is learning a foreign language. In a highly connected world, with trade and work crossing boundaries learning more foreign languages makes you an asset to your company.

I currently work with a multinational company, and I have projects wherein I have to gather information from geographies such as French, Japanese, Russina etc. Most people can speak a broken string of English words, but the gathering of information is a large task. If only I had picked up learning the Spanish or French language, it would have not only made my job easier to me but opened up networking opportunities across the world.

There a few simple reasons why one should delve into the realm of the million languages and learn a few. They are as following:

  • Networking- Believe me, it is the buzz word of the working world at the moment. Making connections, leaving lasting impressions and collaborating with people from different areas increases your chances of landing the dream job or make you a greater and involved part of world events.
  • Cognitive thinking- Studies have shown that learning a new language improves your ability to understand structures. It can ease your comprehension skills, help you to manipulate a language to make it more effective in getting your message across. It has the power to make you a powerful communicator either as a spokesperson, editor or negotiator.
  • Alacrity- Learning a new language exercises the brain to work its grey matter. The studies conducted on this area of the brain have shown that the effect of such exercising of the brain is the same as the results of a good physical work out on the body. It keeps you healthy and active and definitely makes you look good in other words shapes a fuller and more attractive personality.
  • Stand-out – When you’re one of the many applicants applying for a position, the skill of a second language really stands out on your curriculum vitae. Recruiters scanning through the various prospects are sure to stop at your application because they instantly recognize as your skill an upgrade from those of others. The high paying and extremely desirable jobs are now in the consultancy sector, and knowing the Spanish language, French language or even better, Mandarin is a big hit with the employers- it means more ease of business for them!
  • Workmanship – Studies have shown that a working individual who is bilingual is generally more confident and active problem solver than a mono-lingual worker. The assimilation of multiple languages and structures enhances decision making skills, as well as improves the ability to multi-task. It lends a greater perspective to things as you are now considering material in two languages, understanding potential conflicts between the two groups involved in this situation and actively helping to resolve differences.

Ludwig Wittenstein, a Austrian-British philosopher famously stated “The limits of my language are the limits of my universe”, and rightly so. It is never late to learn a new foreign language, connect with individuals from different countries and a be a real part of the changes happening around you. The time is now, take the opportunity and let yourself flourish in a work lifestyle which will be the norm in the coming future years- build the foreign networks and do not let anyone or anything limit you, not even your tongue. So peers, here’s another small advice

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